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I’ve Got Answers

(and if I don't, best be sure I'll find you someone who does)

What can I expect from the Initial visit?

We'll start with taking a detailed health history and we will go over/fill out the necessary paperwork (it will get sent to the email to fill out beforehand). During this step of the process we’ll discuss what’s bothering you and what you hope to achieve through chiropractic care.


You’ll have a chance to ask any questions you may have prior to the examination.

Once we’ve completed your history, we will conduct a detailed chiropractic exam, go through ranges of motion in the body, some orthopedic tests to rule out major issues, and then adjust the segments that are hindering function. If muscle and crania work are deemed necessary, those are included in the initial exam, however they may or may not be necessary during every visit.


After your adjustment, we’ll discuss the details of your recommended treatment and schedule the next appointment if necessary.

Is it safe for children to get adjusted?

Simple answer is YES!


Chiropractic care is an effective method for improving the health and well-being of people of all ages. At Chiro & Coffee, we understand that adjusting an infant is much different than adjusting an adult. Our chiropractor uses the same amount of pressure that you would use to check for the ripeness of a tomato when adjusting a newborn. We provide gentle, safe and effective care for all patients. 


We believe in providing exceptional chiropractic care for all ages, and newborns are no exception. Our chiropractor has years of experience helping children achieve optimal health through gentle, non-invasive adjustments. By getting your child adjusted, you can help them enjoy countless benefits, including improved sleep, better digestion, and a stronger immune system. We are here to help your child thrive, so don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with us today!

Do you take insurance?

At Chiro & Coffee, we believe in treating patients as a whole, not just their symptoms. As a cash-based practice, we are able to provide personalized care that is not limited by insurance company guidelines. We take the time to listen to our patients and understand their needs, so we can create customized treatment plans that provide the best outcomes. Whether you are dealing with chronic pain, an injury, or just want to maintain optimal wellness, we are here to help you achieve your goals.


**Please note: being "cashed-based" means that I accept credit cards, debit cards OR cash.

Do you have to "crack" my bones?

This is a concern I encounter often, and the answer is no.


At Chiro & Coffee, we believe in providing the highest quality chiropractic care in a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere. While the “cracking” sound may be a common occurrence during an adjustment, it is not necessary for effective treatment. In fact, that sound is simply gas being released from the joints. If the sound makes you uncomfortable, we offer alternative methods such as the activator, which is a gentler and just as effective option.

What services do you offer?

I have been trained in the Webster technique, some deep tissue work, as well as the activator method, so the visit varies per what the individual needs. I do offer 15 min sessions which are just a quick adjustment and minor muscle work - recommended for maintenance patience only. However I also offer 30 min sessions which entails some muscle and facia release, stretches as well as a full body adjustment. Please call or email for pricing for each!

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